Corporate Documents

Financial Summary

The strong financial position we find ourselves in here at Fairview is another reason you can be confident in the support we can offer you in finding your ideal new home.

Our group is financed through a combination of equity and bank loans, with committed loan facilities providing ample capacity for us to carry out both our current activities and new land acquisition. Indeed, we have developed strong relationships with several banks over many years, enabling us to borrow for general corporate purposes and to fund specific individual projects.

As part of our aim to be as transparent as possible, should you wish to view our most recent financial summary for the year 2023, you can download a PDF version directly by clicking here.

Anti-Slavery Statement

We feel strongly that the human rights of all the staff within our organisation—and all those we work with in providing new homes—should be respected and here you’ll find our annual anti-slavery statement as signed and approved in May 2024 by our executive chairman, GA Malton.