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Help and Advice

Since 1961, we’ve been helping people to find and buy their dream home. Whether you’re a first-time buyer looking to get on the ladder, or you’re looking to find your next home, we're on hand to help make your next move as easy as possible. 

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Why a new build home is a good move

There's a lot to think about when buying your first home. You want the right number of bedrooms at the right price in the right area. But what about new build vs. second hand homes? Below are some reasons why new should be the only choice you make.

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Help and advice

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Epping Gate Testimonial: Buying new builds faster with Save to Buy

In May of this year, Executive Assistant, Eleonora and her partner Stan, a Letting Agent, couldn’t see themselves owning their first home for another three years, until they came across Fairview New Homes’ game-changing Save to Buy scheme on TikTok.

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Summer Savings: Fairview Homes Eases Mortgage Payments

Summer Savings: Fairview New Homes Eases Mortgage Payments Amid Record High Interest Rates

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Why now is a good time to buy

Why now is a good time to buy:
Drivers of a dynamic property market.

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How to Build a Good Credit Score

If you don’t know what your credit score is, or how to build a good one to help unlock your house buying potential, then the following information will help unpick the puzzle.

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Epping Gate Testimonial: New home with Deposit Unlock scheme

Junakie, a 42-year old Public Policy Consultant, purchased her one-bedroom flat at Epping Gate for £340,800 using the Deposit Unlock Scheme.

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Key milestones to buying a house

If you’re already thinking about starting your journey of becoming a homeowner, or simply want to know what the process involves, here’s a step-by-step guide of the key milestones to be aware of and prepare for.

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Mortgage deals and interest rates, made simple

There are likely many people across the country feeling a little confused and unsettled about what’s happening in the economy at the moment, particularly when it comes to mortgages and interest rates, which feel like they’re changing almost weekly. If you’re one of those people and would like some answers in plain terms, keep reading…

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Mortgage Types Explained

Mortgages, the different types and the lingo associated with them can be confusing. Here we break down what a mortgage is and the types available.

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Why buy a new build home?

When it comes to purchasing your first home, one of the biggest questions is whether to buy a new or old build property. Here are seven reasons why those on the hunt of a home should consider buying new above old.

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Hayes - The Up and Coming Investor Hotspot

For first-time buyers looking for a property that’s affordable now and going to appreciate in value over time, it’s important to get ahead of the curve and look for properties in areas less well known - somewhere like Hayes in the West London borough of Hillingdon.

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Key House Buying Terms Explained

The world of property is full of industry lingo, terms, numbers and percentages which can be hard to navigate and understand, particularly for anyone who hasn’t got their foot on the property ladder just yet - but it doesn’t have to be.

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